No Reserves - No Retreats - No Regrets

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Not Looking Back...

I can't believe I've been here for over 3 weeks.
Time has gone by SO quickly.

Thought I'd give you all a quick update since it's been awhile...

So far the camp groups have been awesome! We've only had school groups so far, so it's been neat to be able to "get into the schools" around Alberta.
I've been doing a lot of programming - though mostly climbing/rappeling, and canoeing. My muscles ache every night. I love being so tired that I just fall into bed.
I've got a sunglasses tan that could rival any... speaking of sun: last week we had a full 9 hours of snow!!! Like I'm talking over a foot of snow. We had a pretty sweet snowball fight, but I was tired of it after hour number 2. Heh. Now, the snow is all gone and we've been having +25 days, with not a cloud in sight. It's beautiful!!

In other news:
-One of the guys here just got a gun (a 12 gauge), so he took another guy and me out to shoot it. So cool!! We used skeets (sp?), which are clay disks that you through in the air to practice for duck hunting. Out of 8 rounds I shot, I hit 2... so I still have some practicing to do, but considering they were moving targets with a gun that weighs as much as I do, I was pretty proud.
-Also!! I got my hands on motorbike!!! It felt SOOOO good to ride again. I still remembered how to ride too, so I didn't make a fool of myself. :P
-The mud around here is amazing as well, and Rhonda (my house mate) and I had a huge! mud fight... we were covered head to toe... including up the nose, in the ears, and in the teeth. We had a blast.

Everyday God challenges me in a new way. He strengthens me, guides me, and teaches me...
I love it here.

Gotta go to Church though....
Loves you all!


PJ said...

Sounds perfect for you!

M said...

Le gasp! You are alive. Good to know you are having a wonderful time.

Alex H. said...

Snow eh? Exciting.

Glad you are having fun. And the three weeks has flown by, holy wow..kk...ttyl

Joshua Geddert said...

Liz, you're amazing... probly my favourite sister haha... oh wait ya..

Come home already.

Love you!!


Anne Geddert said...

Good to hear from you!! I just have to say I told you so about this camp =D Love you so much and miss yo lots so phone already!!!

Dan Geddert said...

Miss you, my little girl! Can't wait to see you. Apparently God is answering all of my prayers for you! Love - Dad