No Reserves - No Retreats - No Regrets

Sunday, June 20, 2010

There's a Baby in my Belly.

Right now Babe is as big as a blueberry.
I'm due somewhere around February 5th. (A birthday present for Andrew :)
This means that I am about 7 weeks preggers.
I feel sick when I'm hungry and when I eat to much.
Just great.
We're SO excited to have a family.
Frontier Staff have already started making fat jokes.
I want ice cream all the time.
Mint Chocolate Chip to be exact.

Tim and I are moving into a bigger trailer within the next couple of weeks.
It has a baby room.


Anne Geddert said...

Baby T is now officially Blueberry and will always be such regardless of his/her size. Sorry! =)

M said...

Aw! Lizzy! Yay!

Just so you know, mint chocolate chip is sort of the best ice cream flavor to crave all the time. I approve.

Can't wait to see you and Tim. It's been too long.

Karen said...
