No Reserves - No Retreats - No Regrets

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rocky Road...

Well, here we are in Rocky Mountain House.
We're all moved in and slowly getting settled. It's a lot harder for my heart to settle in then I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, I definitely think we made the right decision moving here... I'm just having a hard time convincing my heart that we'll be here for a while. I keep catching myself thinking things like "I'll just put this here for now." or "that's just there temporarily."

Some projects we have on the go are:
-laying tile in the kitchen and bathroom.
-cleaning up the yard (can you say 20 dump runs?).
-putting in a small garden.

There are many other projects on our "To Do" list, but most have to wait for more money and time. :)

I was telling a friend today that one thing I've really been struggling with is FEAR. This is the first time that I've actually been out in the "real world". Up until now I've either been living with my parents, or in a community bubble with a husband who totally takes care of me. Now, Tim is at work all day, so I have to step up to the plate and make appointments, meet people, fill out forms, make phone calls... all very much out of my comfort zone. I'm learning and growing, but have had to memorize and quote to myself daily 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power and love and self discipline."

Baby Girl is calling my name, so I'm off to be a responsible mother... :)
More updates soon...

1 comment:

Jill said...

I loved all the pics you put up on Facebook! Your place looks great, and very homey :)

I know you will be great out of the "bubble". Miss you.