For instance, recently in my life I've had some first:
First time hiking Peterson Creek in the winter.
First time being sent flowers from a stalker.
First time...
Here's my short story of the night.
Today a small group of us decided to go see the mysterious film,
Whose trailer left us all with questions,
Wanting more.

The next Godzilla bred with the filming style of The Blair Witch Project.
Now the trailer was filmed to look like someone had filmed it with just a regular camcorder kinda thing...
So I thought,
"Hey, that's kinda cool... they'll show parts of it like it's real"
Little did I know,
But the whole entire movie was like that.
I got 10 minutes into it,
And I had to start closing my eyes
And just depending on my hearing to get me through.
But movies just aren't the same with only the sound...
I tried opening my eyes again...
Now, I should just say,
That the only thing my mumma ever gave me,
Besides my curly hair,
Was the hereditary Hogard motion sickness...
I then proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes in the theater bathroom,
With my head between my knees,
Staring at the bathroom floor.
(And I must say,
It's not a very attractive floor)
I never did go back to finish watching.
I just couldn't...
I have a sick stomach to this moment.
Which brings me to my firsts for the week...
First time walking out on a movie
First time being sick in a public bathroom
So there you have it...
Another embarassing moment in the life of Liz...
Haha! Oh dear...poor Lizzie! If its not ferries, its movies...
Well, what can I say??? Besides that I beg to differ that it is the only thing I have ever given you. =)
You write very well.
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