This is kind of inspired by one Jill did a while back... but I liked it... so here it is.
Liz Geddert
ESTJ, Overseer, Protector, Kinesthetic, Musical
Primary Funstion: Extraverted Thinking
Population: 11% (13.5% Male, 8.5% Female)

ESTJ - The "Overseer"
ESTJs are responsible, logical, norm-following hard workers. Their efforts are carried out in a practical, structured manner. ESTJs trust facts and experiences more than theories. They are decisive, loyal, tradition observing individuals. They enjoy being the person in charge and often make good supervisors.
Extraverted Thinking Function
Thinking people make decisions based on logic, so the Extraverted thinking function allows a person to organize and categorize things, thoughts or arguments. It is the ability to see the logical consequences of actions. It follows sequence and organization.
SJ Temperament - The "Protectors"
SJs are observant, stable and motivated by a need to maintain security. They are realistic, routinized administrators requiring tasks be completed correctly and that people behave appropriately. SJs make thorough examinations to ensure everything is done according to plan. They make sure no more and no less credit is given than due. When a need arises, they are quick to provide a solution, provided that the need is justified. SJs are not driven by impulse, but rather by concrete fact. By virtue of their reliable, diligent, industrious, persevering nature, they make excellent leaders.
Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
People with Kinesthetic intelligence love movement. They enjoy sports and/or dance. They are good at building things and like to stay active. They have good motor skills and are very aware of their bodies. They learn best through movement and experimentation.
Common Characteristics:
-Learns by "doing"
-Would rather touch than just look
-Well-coordinated withgood motor skills
-Likes figuring out how things work
-Enjoys the outdoors
-Likes to work with hands
-Can't sit still for too long
-Enjoys sports and exhilarating experiences
-Likes to be active
-Has a lot of physical energy
Musical Intelligence
People with musical intelligence love music. They appreciate rhythm and composition. They are gifted with the ability to compose, sing and/or play instrument(s). Able to recognize sounds, tones and rhythm, they have a "good ear" for music. They learn best through lectures and often use rhythm and music as a way to memorize things.
Common Characteristics:
-Have good rythm
-Can easily memorize songs
-Notice and enjoy different sounds
-Often singing, whisling or tapping a song
-Talented with an instrument or singing
-Can tell when a note is off-key
-Often have a song running through their head
-Have an unquenchable passion for music
Interpersonal Intelligence
People with Interpersonal intelligence are good with people and thrive in social interactions. They are good at reading, empathize and understanding others. They are good at working with others and have many friends. They learn best through interaction and dialogue.
Common Characteristics:
-Enjoy social events
-Love groups and crowds
-Enjoying teaching others
-Have many friends
-Enjoy team sports
-Like to counsel others
-Love meeting new people
-Cooperative in groups
-Sensitive to others' moods
I don't know if you noticed this but...
apparently we are complete opposites!
Yeah, I know... SO FUNNY.
Ps. I'm reading up on ESTJ's and you share this personality with:
Elliot Ness
Mrs Rachel Lynde
Princess Leia
How cool is that?!?! :P
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