Well, summer staff training is over and done with. I didn't have to be there for much of it, cause I'm already a pro. :P
Not much to say about it... When I wasn't in training (which was a lot of the time), I was on camp work. Great fun. We finally finished building the basement that has been a year long project. Everyone was very excited. It meant that Brad and Jess could move out of their mobile home into the basement, which meant that Migges could move out of the girls basement into the mobile home, which meant that the 2 extra girls upstairs could finally move downstairs. Heh.
This weekend was a good'er. We finally got some sweet weather... like 30 degrees yesterday. Leah and I spent from 10:30am-2:00pm outside, sitting on the dock. It was great. I got a pretty sweet burn on my legs, but that's it. Then Leah, Steve, and I went into Rocky to get Slurpees and some groceries.
Today I decided not to go to Church, cause it was already 25 degrees out by 10:45am... Steve and I hung out at the beach for a bit. Did my devotions, and helped Steve out with some homework he has that's long overdue.
And now I have to go prepare myself physically, mentally, and spiritually for the upcoming week. I am cabin leading right away today for the Senior High Wilderness camp. I'm super excited, but also really nervous as well. A lot of the girls coming are regulars here, so I am a bit intimidated by their high expectations. But God is really exciting and energizing me so I have faith that He will work everything out.
-The Beautiful weather.
-A God who fills me with Love, Joy, and Passion.
-That God cares so much about us that He gives us the desires of our hearts.
-For the campers who come this week: that God would really work in their lives.
-For energy, wisdom, and patience for me for the campers.
-That God would work in my life and that I would fall more and more in love with Him everyday.