"You were born to live a great adventure;
You were created with a divine destiny;
You are called to fulfill a great mission.
You were designed for a unique purpose.
Now you are called to live it out."
"Jesus Christ has come to free us from a meaningless existence and liberate us to a life filled with adventure.
He has come to lead us out of the mundane and into the extraordinary."
"His promise it that in Him we will find the life our hearts have always longed for."
-Chasing Daylight by Erwin McManus
These quotes stand out to me every time I read this book. They are right at the beginning, so every time, I start back at the beginning just so I can read them.
I think they stand out so much because, my heart really does long for adventure. It longs for a life so deep in God that a radical, liberated, energized adventure is the only possible road to take.
But yeah.
I guess this is more of a spiritual update than anything.
Adventure may be what I long for, but the devil sure has fun telling me how hard, discouraging, and lonely it will be. I've been feeling really attack lately. Like Satan is trying to pull me back under.
It's hard finding balance here. We're always feeding others, giving our time, energy, and love. And then when it comes time to feed myself, I feel too tired or discouraged to get into the Word, or too distracted to pray.
I've really been struggling with what my faith looks like for me. You know, you can see other peoples faith and how they act, communicate with God, grow and stuff... but when it comes to me... I have such a hard time personalizing it, or even defining it.
God is everything to me. Without Him I would be a piece of poo.
I can say that. And mean it. But how does that change how I act, communicate with God, or grow?
We are reading through Romans right now as a Bible Study group and today we read Romans 4. Up to now the topic that has obviously been surfacing is Faith. But I've always had the same questions and doubts about my own faith. Until today. Here's the verses that really hit me:
"Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!” And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb.
Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous."
And it was like - this is what my faith should look like. Not some blind optimism, but a realistic, practical faith. Abraham knew that physically it wasn't possible for them to have a child, but he had such a deep faith in God, that the only possible road was to trust that God is able to do whatever He promises.
I have no idea if any of this is even making sense...
But it's way past my bedtime so some quick prayer requests and praise items.
-That we serve a God who will never leave or forsake us, no matter how much our faith wavers or how many doubts we have.
-That we are invited to live in God's great adventure.
-For the camps we've already had (safety, great times, God's Word spread).
-For my housemates here. The encouragement they are, and how we're growing together towards Christ.
-Energy, wisdom, and love for campers.
-That my faith would really become real to me.
-For my future as I decide what to do... that God would be at the head of me decisions.
-For the campers who are going to come to camp. That God would be working in their hearts even now.
I love you all!!!!!!!!
Grace and Peace.
Love you very much Liz, and praying for you as much as i can!
Stay aslong as you love it there...
maybe i will join you!
You go for God, girl! Praising God with you and praying for you daily. Dan
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