Yes, that would be me.
I'm really hyper right now.
Being in the kitchen all day makes me crazy.
I owe you guys a bit of an update... like an actual update.
There are 2 big things that need to be updated.
The First:
I've been praying really hard about this, and challenging God to give me some clear guidance (I know, I shouldn't do that...); And He made it super clear to me by meeting all my challenges. So yeah, I just made a commitment to stay here at Frontier for a year. So I'll be here until the end of next August. I feel that God is really blessing this decision and is totally at the head of it.
My two big challenges now are to gain that next level of confidence in myself, and to start raising financial support. Please be in prayer with me for both of these.
The second thing that needs to be updated is actually a secret... so you don't get to know... But I will tell you that it's crazy exciting (at least for me) and I'm sure you'll find out soon enough... so HA.
This picture is of Laura and I about to start our game of pure genius. Heh...
We were on wide game one night, and were both really tired of the regular games, so we decided to put a little twist on Capture the Flag. It's called Rescue the Princess and it still has a few details that need to be worked out... but the kids loved it... and it's pretty fun for the leaders too. :P
What happened is this:
Laura and I were the princesses (Obviously!) and our teams had to rescue us from the other side. It's basically all the same rules as Capture the Flag. The twist we added, though, was that Laura and I would be hiding somewhere visible in a wheelbarrow (With some head protection on - Safety first!). The kids had to find us and wheel us across to the other side. It was one of the funniest things ever. I just about died. The kids would be pushing me along, see an "enemy" and just drop me and run. It was great.
But like I said, we need to work out some details. When we played it, we ended up with me having to give a pep talk/lecture about respecting people physically and emotionally... But all in all, the game was a hit, and the kids wanted more!
Grace and Peace.
Wow, Liz a pep talk about respecting people physically and emotionally... Sounds like you may have made a few kids pee there pants haha!
Love ya! Seeya in a bit!
liz, liz, liz, Yeah - I think I have to agree on Josh on this one.
I had a feeling you would stay there for a while! It sounds like a great fit for you. Will you be coming home for Christmas or anything?
And please don't tell me the secret update #2 has something to do with your parents not taking $100 off your rent anymore! :O
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