So I figured now of all times would be a good time to get off my lazy bum and give you guys an update.
I'm sure most of you already know my most exciting news...
I'M ENGAGED... and freaking out.
But let me back up a bit.
Since I last wrote (on the 16th of January) I went to Edmonton for the weekend to just get away, catch up with some friends, and spend time with God. It was really nice. I stayed with Tim's parents, which was really nice.
I went back to camp feeling a little more refreshed.
That next Thursday (the 22nd) our big adventure started. Well, it wasn't supposed to be that big of a deal... My climbing buddies (Tim, Phil and Nicole) and I headed out after work for Canmore. We had signed up for a night of free bouldering and decided to make a trip of it by reserving a hostel room and spending the night. So we went bouldering and it was awesome. Then we headed over to the hostel. The boys had said that they wanted to make us supper, so they started on that and Nicole and I just chilled... We were both pleasantly surprised when they brought out supper. They had prepared t-bone steaks, with potatoes, salad, and .....wi-er...water... After supper we just hung out and laughed alot. One thing I should say is that we had decided not to plug in Tim's car because it was supposed to be warm and would have been a hassle. So we went to bed planning on getting up a like 6:30 so we could make it back in time for work on Friday.
So we wake up early and none of us really want to leave for work, but we do anyway.... well we try. Tim and Phil went out to try and start the car. 10 minutes later Nicole and I went out to see what the deal was. Phil was standing there looking down the road, but Tim and his car were nowhere to be seen. Apparently they had tried to push start it down the hill. So we started walking down the hill, and walking... and finally we got to the car and Tim. No luck with the push start. We decided to push it to the highway in hopes of getting a jump start. (I should also mention that it was -25 plus windchill on this glorious morn)
Now, Alberta just isn't the same as most provinces, in that you have to watch as 100 cars go by before one will have mercy on poor freezing souls. Eventually someone stopped to give us a boost.
No can do.
The car just wouldn't start. (We did get to sit in a warm vehicle for a few minutes though) Finally we decided to call AMA to get some help. "For sure, we'll be there within the hour" says they.
Biggest lie I've ever been told.
We ended up waiting... in the cold... in the wind for over 2 hours.
Finally the tow truck got there and tried to give us a boost. Also a no-go. Fine. We'll just get a tow into Canmore, put the car in a garage, and hopefully in a few hours it will have warmed up enough that it would just start. (We had by this time called camp to say that we would not be there for work today) They started getting the car ready to be towed when Tim and Phil walked around back. They called Nicole and I over. What we saw made us want to laugh and cry all at the same time.
The back window had been smashed by a flying rock or something. We stood there in shocked silence, then Tim said what we were all thinking "So, what next?"
Don't worry though... this story ends nice.
We got towed into a garage, went for coffee, came back and the mechanics had been able to just start it no problem, we covered the back window with cardboard, got more coffee, and headed back to camp. Tim called his dad, who "just happened" to have three of those exact rear windows. It was a jolly adventure.
The End.
Last weekend Tim and I went to Breakforth in Edmonton. It was really spiritually refreshing. Not quite as pump me up as I was hoping, but still good.
As far as work stuff goes, I've been kind of all over the past the last little while. I've done some trail work, scouting, kitchen, preping for next years campfire times, we've had some groups in, gone ice climbing... It's been good. Life at camp is really blessed.
So then this week. Tim and I both had Friday off, and we had been wanting to climb this one waterfall for a while, so we decided to go then. We drive out to Jasper and start hiking, and like an hour and a half later still couldn't find the falls, so we decided to stop for lunch. Well I'm sitting there pulling lunch out of my bag and all of a sudden he's there in front of me... on one knee... asking me to marry him. I'm like "oh my goodness..... YES!!!"
Shocked out of my pants... well actually my pants stayed on, cause that's kind of inappropriate... but I was shocked. Totally not expecting it this soon, but secretly hoping it would be this soon.
The ring is beautiful, unfortunately I had to send it away to get it resized, so no picture yet.
Our wedding will be sometime around the end of August... location and exact date TBD... But yeah, I'm SO excited. Like seriously... WOW, I'm going to be Tim's wife in six months!!!
Thanks so much everyone for your notes on facebook and such! It's a blessing to know we're supported in this net stage of life.

Love you all!