Yesterday I got back from an awesome climbing trip in the States... Let me tell you a bit about it.
Tim, Nicole, Phil, and I left on March 28 at 9:30pm and drove straight to Red Rocks, Nevada, through a snow storm, for 26 hours. We set up a tent and hit the hay. When we woke up the next morning we discovered, great to our humor, a rather large layer of red sand covering everything in our tent (including our teeth). We laughed about it, but when it was repeated the next night, and the next, we stopped.
What followed was 2 weeks of awesome climbing, warm sunshine, cold nights, wind storms, time with Tim, cool learning experiences (with climbing, relationships, and with God), warm sunshine, sand, not much showering, camp cooking, chilling out, warm sunshine, and one campfire.
After a few days in Red Rocks we headed to Joshua Tree, California where the sand changed from red to gold and the climbing changed from face climbing to crack climbing (and I don't mean the body parts!). I was very out of my element there, but it was awesome to learn something new and grow to like it. I /love/ it when Tim teaches something he's passionate about. He puts everything into it and patiently helps you learn it and then somehow instills his passion for it into you. It's awesome.
We went back to Red Rocks for a few more days of climbing, but rain ended up sending us back to camp 2 days early... which was fine. I think we were all done by then.
Now we're working on getting back into the swing of normal life and preparing for our busy spring and summer season.
A few pics from our trip:

awwwww NICE!
I was hoping crack climbing was when you used your butt to grab onto holds... too bad...
Love you Lizzard
aw, you're cute. Glad you had an amazing time Liz.
Warm weather, can't wait until it arrives here for good.
The trip sounds like it was fun. It's so pretty there!
Happy birthday (late) by the way!!!
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