I was reading "My Utmost for His Highest" this morning, and these paragraphs really stood out to me:
"Am I allowing my spiritual life to waste away, or am I focused, bringing everything to one central point - the atonement of my Lord? Is Jesus Christ more and more dominating every interest of my life?
If the central point, or the most powerful influence, of my life is the atonement of the Lord, then every aspect of my life will bear fruit for Him. Am I abiding? Am I taking the time to abide? What is the greatest source of power in my life? Is it my work, service, and sacrifice for others, or is it my striving to work for God? It should be none of these - what ought to exert the greatest power in my life is the atonement of the Lord.
It is not on what we spend the greatest amount of time on that molds us the most, but whatever exerts the most power over us. We must make a determination to limit and concentrate our desires and interests on the atonement by the Cross of Christ."
For me, time with God is not the issue, I can make devotion time happen - the issue for me is how I spend that time. And it's not about the quantity of time, but the quality of it. Those paragraphs are a challenge for me right now.
In other news...
We're continuing to work on the house... and by "we" I really mean "Tim". The latest project is the bathroom. It's not quite done yet, but is already looking a million times better. My hubby is goooood.
Kiriah is teething I think... she's a giant drooly face and her schedule is all over the place. Also, she is quite clingy, which means I don't get a lot done around the house, but I do get LOTS of cuddle time - which is a very nice treat. I kind of like my babes. She's pretty awesome. And cute. And wiggly. And really cute.
Did I mention that my baby is the cutest ever?