It's interesting how often I take my awesome life for granted, how often I forget how many blessings God gives me everyday... I have SO much more then I need.
I guess sometimes it takes a hail storm to remind me what a privilege it is to have a garden.
A sinus infection to remind me how healthy I am.
Today I'm Thankful For:
>My Garden

>Good Health
>A Beautiful Daughter

>Encouraging Friends
>A Strong and Loving Husband

>Our Cute House

>A Huge Yard (and a dog to play in it)
>Blue Skies
>A Heavenly Father who loves me regardless of how much time I spend with Him or how good I am
>A Welcoming and Friendly Church
PS. I realize my garden picture is not my real garden... it is however a picture of some flowers I made. :)

Those flowers are amazing! I'll take some if you want to make some more! =)
Love you!
cute flowers!
love the flowers, Liz!! you're so craftsy....(notice the "S" separates you from the "crafty" people)
i like your blog. i like your thankful spirit. plus your creativity.
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