No Reserves - No Retreats - No Regrets

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm a wimp, I know...

My embarrassing story of the day...
So I went in to the doctor to get a "questionable" mole removed...
(It was "exposed" to too much Aussie sun)
The Doc froze my arm up
(With a stupid needle)
And started cutting away
(They do a football shaped cut around the mole)
I was doing really good and was quite proud of myself for not being sick
(I get sick really easily around blood and medical smells)
Then he started stitching me up
(I had to get three stitches)
And I was still ok
(As in not dieing)
It hurt kinda bad when he tightened the stitches
(he basically ripped my shoulder off to get them tight)
But then it was all done and he said I was good to go
(He had cleaned up the blood from my gushing wound and had bandaged it up)
So got off the table and stood up
(I had been laying down on my side)
As soon as I stood up I started feeling a bit weird
(As in dizzy, sweaty, sick to my stomach)
The doc asked me if I was ok
(I remember saying something like "I don't know")
And the next thing I know I'm on the ground and everyone's leaning over me
Turns out I had passed out
But the doc had kinda suspected it as soon as he saw me
So he was able to catch me

Anyways that was a long way to tell a short story...
I passed out for the first time ever
And I feel stupid
Because it was for no good reason...


Becks said...

I've only done it once when I was outside in the hot sun during Street Fest in Nelson.

..Actually...the blacking it is kinda cool...but the feeling sick, sweaty, and hearing ringing noises, isn't so much.

Cardinal's Cove said...

I blacked out once when I got out of a hot tub too fast. I was laying flat on the deck in like -20 weather. Cold. :) I agree with Beck. The blacking part is kinda fun! :)

Definitely you are not allowed to ever become a doctor/nurse or paramedic. Good luck at First Aid this weekend! :)

PJ said...

Oh I feel all left out! I've never blacked out.
I almost did when I had the flu once. Stood up to fast. So really, is there actually a "cool" reason to faint?

Becks said...

swooning...I don't know about cool...but supposedly it's they all do in the romance movies like "gone with the wind"...

"swoon" what a weird word.

Liz said...

Yeah.. "swoon"... sorta sounds like what might happen if a swan and a spoon were to hook up...

PJ said...

I'm getting a really weird mental image there...