No Reserves - No Retreats - No Regrets

Thursday, November 27, 2008

"Smooth" Talking

We caved.

It was one of those times when the pain of the punishment was great enough that I almost would go back in time and just... let the hair grow forever.

No, we did not make it to our goal of December 1st.
It was just too much to handle.
We looked like little boys... no, not even little boys, like grown men.

We got Tim to buy us waxing stuff (he was in town already, relax) and braced ourselves. I was the only one who had ever waxed before so I prepared Laura and Jojo for the pain.
Their facial expressions as we started were /priceless/... I've never laughed (or whimpered) that much.

We were all pretty pathetic about the whole process... but it's over and done now...

My legs are officially VERY smooth and hairless.
It's a beautiful feeling.


Alex H. said...

Well congratulations for going that long Liz =)

I had the jolly time of watching some friends wax there legs, when i was in vancouver a few times ago =)

Becks said...

What you had 3 more days left!!! :P

Well I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.

Anonymous said...

I can't belive you gave in 3 DAYS before your goal!!! Where is your willpower???
tsk tsk.
There's always next year I suppose. Or... next month.

Liz said...

Alright. I challenge you two to a duel... and by duel I mean triuel? What is the word for a duel between three people??
Anyways... Us three, no shaving until New Years Day... Huh? You up for it?

Becks said...

Only if it's pits too and we have a hot-tubbing party the day before we shave it all!!!


Becks said...

I was just kidding by the way....I think to have really long hairy pits would be vile.

PJ said...

I'm actually kinda disapointed I never saw this challenge until now.
I won anyways :P