So basically, the title and picture have nothing to do with anything.
I finally finished my application for Frontier Lodge. Yes, I know, it took long enough. Now all I can do is hope that my references filled out their forms, hope they said nice things about me, and wait. I was kinda nervous before... but now I'm not really... cause you know, I could go either way. Stay here, or go there. Both would present challenges and both would reap rewards. The interesting thing is... for the first time in many moons I am not feeling restless to get out of Kamloops. Like I would actually be ok if God called me to stay here a bit longer. Hmm... I guess it's up to Him though.
I don't really have all that much to say... feels like besides applying for camp, nothing has really been going on. Well... there's lots going on in my head, but nothing that I could describe (or that you would even want to hear about anyway).
Um. Wow. K, as I was typing I got an email from an unknown sender, so I checked it out and.... well you can read it yourself:
"Hey Liz,
thanks for faxing your application to us. We are really excited that you are applying for spring/summer program staff. My name is Migges (oficially Michael) and I am in charge of hiring staff. I am German and came over two years ago. Just that you know who you are dealing with.
How have you heard about us? I don't want to brag about this ministry but God is doing some really cool things here at the moment. Right now we are building three new cabins, our camps are growing, we get more staff (my goal is to make it really international!) and we are excited for what God is going to do in the future. And your application is a real answer to prayer because we are usually a litlle short on female staff :-) It is looking much better for this year. We just hired a girl for the summer just half an hour ago.
We would liek to have an interview with you a.s.a.p. so it would be great if we could get the references in quickly. Maybe you can remind the people doing it for you not to wait for too long. They can also fax their references. Your criminal reference check.
By the way, I grew up with the Torchbearer movement. My parents were on the board of Bodenseehof in Germany, and I went to Bibleschool there. They are having an awesome ministry an have impacted the entire world over the last decades.
Hope to hear from you soon. In Christ,
Michael Koenig
Assisant Director/Discipleship Pastor
Frontier Lodge
Box 1
Nordegg, AB
phone: +1 (403) 721-2202 ext.125
fax: +1 (403) 721-2204
mail: miggesk@frontierlodge.ca
"Using God's Wilderness to Reach, Teach and Train Youth and Adults for Jesus Christ."
thanks for faxing your application to us. We are really excited that you are applying for spring/summer program staff. My name is Migges (oficially Michael) and I am in charge of hiring staff. I am German and came over two years ago. Just that you know who you are dealing with.
How have you heard about us? I don't want to brag about this ministry but God is doing some really cool things here at the moment. Right now we are building three new cabins, our camps are growing, we get more staff (my goal is to make it really international!) and we are excited for what God is going to do in the future. And your application is a real answer to prayer because we are usually a litlle short on female staff :-) It is looking much better for this year. We just hired a girl for the summer just half an hour ago.
We would liek to have an interview with you a.s.a.p. so it would be great if we could get the references in quickly. Maybe you can remind the people doing it for you not to wait for too long. They can also fax their references. Your criminal reference check.
By the way, I grew up with the Torchbearer movement. My parents were on the board of Bodenseehof in Germany, and I went to Bibleschool there. They are having an awesome ministry an have impacted the entire world over the last decades.
Hope to hear from you soon. In Christ,
Michael Koenig
Assisant Director/Discipleship Pastor
Frontier Lodge
Box 1
Nordegg, AB
phone: +1 (403) 721-2202 ext.125
fax: +1 (403) 721-2204
mail: miggesk@frontierlodge.ca
"Using God's Wilderness to Reach, Teach and Train Youth and Adults for Jesus Christ."
I just officially got really nervous.
But I do have to head off to work now so... later days I guess.
Hey You.. Wow, uhm.. yah, this is pretty sudden.. :P just when you didnt need ANOTHER thing to think about.. heh. Sounds like you could be a huge help there.. I'll praying for you..
Wow that sounds like pretty clear direction, doesn't it!! Cool though. I bet you would love it there.
That guy sounds...funny!
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