The View
Josh being his normal self
Kelsey, Beautiful as always
The Group
The Beautiful Day
But as for updates guys... er, pardon me... ladies and gentlemen (*), I don't have much to offer except for a bit of not so happy stuff that only a few people know.
Basically, the short story is:
I've been pretty low for the last month or so- unmotivated, unenergetic, unhappy, dissatisfied, confused, hypocritical... and all that "good stuff". Of course getting rejected from CBC didn't help and then on Saturday I got another blow to the already low self image. My boss at Coast Mountain pulled me aside and basically said that I sucked at selling (which I already knew) and that when I came to work next week I needed to come with a "different attitude"... which I really didn't understand, cause I go to work everyday with a cheerful and open attitude. So maybe I'm supposed to go with an aggressive and competitive attitude. And then he sent me home early. So basically now I feel like an academic failure as well as a occupational failure.
In other news... an opportunity has come up for me. Actually it has resurfaced. My dad had sent me a link for a camp a few years ago when they needed some help and though I looked into it, it wasn't really the thing for me at the time. Well randomly a few days ago I started thinking about this camp again... but I couldn't even remember what it was called. I searched for like 2 hours on the internet trying to find out about it, but couldn't find it anywhere. Finally I had little nudge in the back of my mind to check my mums email. I did, and I found a folder she had been saving for me. In the folder was the email from my dad with the link in it! I checked it out and they are looking for spring/summer program staff. It's a pretty sweet camp from the looks of it, and is totally up my ally. (Check it out: http://www.frontierlodge.ca/index.html ) I've printed off the application form and am slowing working through it. It's hard though, cause part of me wants to stay in Kamloops and settle down... but the other half is screaming for adventure, new things, and new places. I don't really feel a particular call to Kamloops though. I will, however, keep looking into all my options and if that involves staying here for a bit longer, so be it.
Well, now I think you've had a bit of an update... but if you want to know more definatly/obviously let me know...
(*) Apparently (according to a "Dear Abby" article) I'm not supposed to call a mixed group of people "guys", I'm sposed to say "ladies and gentlemen" or "guys and gals". I looked it up though, and dictionary.com says that "guys" used informally is "persons of either sex; people."
1 comment:
Might I remind you that you never "failed academically"!!! You weren't given the chance...and if you were given the chance you wouldn't have failed! C'mon Liz, I thought you overcame the homeschooled issue at Capernwray.
As for your job, its not failure. Sales just is not your gifting! Remember what mommy and daddy taught you: Do your best, that's the best you can do. If that gets you the boot...there's lots of jobs out there. You are VERY capable.
That Frontier Lodge camp sounds really cool! Let me know how that goes for you.
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