No Reserves - No Retreats - No Regrets

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Call Out...

Hey guys...

Would you all pray for me the next couple of days?
I know alot of you already pray for me, and for that I am SO thankful...
But I need an extra dose of prayer these days.

There is a load on my mind and a weight on my shoulders.
God is really teaching me alot about selflessness and about how selfish and immature I am.
It's a long and painful lesson.

I tend to base my emotions on how people treat me, what they say to me (or what they don't say), or on how full my "love cup" is.
(I think I kind of talked about this a bit before...)

The other thing I need prayer for, and maybe this is what is spurring on all the other things, is my relationship with God. I feel like I've come to a wall... not necessarily a brick wall, but a paper wall... one that is letting just a little bit of Light through, maybe a little bit of Sound.... but a wall none the less. It's preventing me from getting anything out of my devotions. Anytime I sit down to pray or read my Bible, the wall comes up.

Would you guys join with me in prayer that my walls would be broken and that my weights of selfishness would be lifted?
We serve a Great and Powerful God and He has promised that He will always be listening and answering prayers.
That being said, would you guys email me and tell me some things I can be praying for for you? I may be struggling a bit, but that doesn't mean I can't be praying on others behalf.

Grace and Peace to you all.


1 comment:

Dan Geddert said...

I'm covering you in prayer! Dad